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The 10 essentials of the Westminster Confession


1. The Bible

(chapter 1)

We believe the Bible is the written word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error

in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the revelation of God’s truth and is infallible and

authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.


2. God

(chapter 2)

We believe in the Holy Trinity. There is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the

Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


3. Creation and providence

(chapters 4-5)

We believe that God created the world we live in and through providence sustains, governs,

and directs all things according to His Sovereign will.


4. Man and sin

(chapters 6 and 9)

We believe that all are sinners and totally unable to save themselves from God’s

displeasure, except by His mercy. Before the fall mankind had the freedom to choose what was

good and pleasing to God, but now is unable to choose any spiritual good.


5. Covenant theology

(chapter 7)

We believe that God relates to people by way of covenant agreement. Adam broke the

covenant of creation (works) which brought ruin upon his race. God made a second

covenant, covenant of grace, in which he offers sinners life and salvation through Jesus



6. Order of salvation

(chapters 3, 10-18)

We believe that God alone sovereignly chooses those He will save, calling them to himself

by His Spirit, pardoning them and accepting them as righteous because of Christ. He adopts

them into his family. They forsake their sins in repentance and produce fruit of a redeemed

life. God completes the work he began and they persevere to the end. There is great

mystery in these workings of God and call for deep humility and much respect.


7. The church

(chapters 25-30)

We believe the visible church consists of everyone in the world who professes Christian faith

together with their children. We are united and bound to one another by the Spirit and by faith

in Jesus, who is the head. There is a holy fellowship for worship according to the Word,

spiritual service and physical care. The church has appointed shepherds under Christ to

care, correct and encourage the flock.


8.The sacraments

(chapters 27-29)

We believe Jesus appointed two holy sacraments as signs and seals of the covenant of

grace. Baptism is for those who express faith and obedience to Christ and their children. The

Lord’s supper was given as a sign of spiritual nourishment and a pledge of communion to

Christ and His body.


9. Death and end times

(chapters 32-33)

We believe that after death our bodies return to the dust but our souls live on forever,

righteous to heaven and wicked to hell. On God’s appointed day there will be a bodily

resurrection and Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind and to receive His

people to Himself.


10 The gospel

(EPC version chapter 34)

We believe God has provided only one way of salvation, through the sacrifice of Christ that

is to be offered to all people, by His people. He invites and commands everyone everywhere

to accept His gracious invitation.

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